Newfoundland & Labrador - Local 820

Membership Dues
Regular Member
$160.00 full-year, $90.00 half-year
Youth (must be age 20 years or younger)
$115 full-year, $65 half-year
Our Association is supported by our members' annual dues and work dues. We receive no grant or government support for our basic programs.
Your dues payment allows us to provide you with a full range of services and support programs. Please see FAQ page.
Become a New Member
We recommend musicians who wish to join Local 820 by phone at 709-722-8005 or by email: cfm820@gmail.com.
Join online at: https://www.afm.org/join/new-members
For new members, Initiation fees are $35 to the local and $65 to the Federation.
These fees are paid by anyone joining for the first time, but are not paid by those who are Student members (must be registered in an accredited school, college or university) or Youth members (must be age 20 years or younger).
Membership Application Form (fillable pdf)
Membership Payment Options
INTERAC e-Transfer
Send your e-Transfer to: cfm820@gmail.com
Credit Card
(a 6% admin fee applies)
Cash or Cheque
You may make payments in person at our office by cash or cheque. If you choose to pay by cheque, please make it payable to "Canadian Federation of Musicians NL" and bring it to our office or it mail to:
AFM Local 820
26 Prince of Wales Street
St. John's, NL A1C 4M9​​