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Touring Assistance


CFM members have an Emergency Travel Assistance Plan (ETAP) when they tour under contract.


To access this service, you would call a phone number 1-800-INFO-FED (1-800-463-6333). This number connects you to the CFM office in Toronto. During office hours you would access emergency touring assistance through office staff. If no one is there, or after hours, you will be referred to a number for 24-hour assistance.


When you are touring in the US you would phone 1-800-ROAD-GIG (1-800-762-3444) for touring assistance.


You will then receive support through the Local for the jurisdiction in which you are located.


They will help you sort out any contract issues and the AFM will provide emergency travel funds as needed to keep you on tour, based on the contract(s) you have signed.


Please note that this program depends on you having an AFM or CFM contract on file for the engagements of your tour with a Local of the Federation.

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